C Puzzles

yet another place for C puzzles

Monday, February 19, 2007


curly bracket matching

Not a puzzle exactly.

Q. Are you familiar with curly bracket matching in vi editor?
(FYI: you may use % to find matching curly brackets)

implement this feature in 'your own' editor.

[you may even give a single-WORD-answer :-]

To simplify the question...
imagine a text with curly brackets like the following

2nd curly matches with 3rd
1st curly with last one
4th with 9th

Now start writing the program.

This is the program ......

string strInput = TextBox1.Text;
String[] arrCh = new String[strInput.Length];
int a = 0;
foreach (char ch in strInput)
arrCh[a] = ch.ToString();
Boolean bulStatus = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrCh.Length; i++)
if (arrCh[i] == "{")
int CountTrue = 0;
for (int j = i+1; j < arrCh.Length; j++)
if (arrCh[j] == "{")
bulStatus = true;
if (arrCh[j] == "}")
if (!bulStatus)
if (CountTrue == 0)
Response.Write("The bracket start at " + (i + 1).ToString() + " and ending at " + (j + 1).ToString() + "\n");
bulStatus = false;
bulStatus = false;
I can give a logic:
Use a stack and an array
push() on {
pop() on }
store index position of braces in corresponding index so that it could b used to find which '}' has matched to '}'
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