answer in my mind:
1. travel the linked list for n times (if you hit null in between, return null)2. Then travel the linked list till end (remember to increment the n-node pointer along with traversal)
Linked List B meet Linked List A at node J. find J
linked list A. heada->x->....->J->......->z->null
linked list B headb->y->....->J
A sorted array . for eg: 2,3,6,8,11,23,56,89
It is right shifted unknown times eg: 23,56,89,2,3,6,8,11
now search an element in the array... say eg:56.
(no linear search allowed.)
answer in my mind:
1. first find the largest element by log(n) 2. now remove the first part or last part depends on search element.3. now log(n) search for the item.
implement queue with two stacks
answer link
a c-program to find the endians of a processor?
unsigned int i = 0xabcdefgh;unsigned char *pc = (unsigned char *) &i;if (*pc == 0xgh) { /* little endian */} else { /* big endian */}